Thursday, 12 October 2017

SG Nationals 2017 Basic Survival Guide

Nationals is just in a few day's time! Have you participated in any large sized events? If you have not, fret not! This guide is suited for you. If you are a veteran competitive player, you should also take a look at this guide!

Basic Information on Nationals
Date: 14th & 15 October 2017 (2 day event)
Format: Mixed (Draft+Standard)
Location: Suntec City Convention Centre Level 3 - Summit Room 2
Important timings to note (Do not be late):
(Day 1): Player's Meeting at 9am,
(Day 2): Draft Pod Seats postings at 8.45am
Onsite registration: Closes at 8.50am ($120)
Byes: Please kindly check with the Tournament Organiser and/or the Head Judge. More information on the tournament byes can be found here.
Decklists: Required (Constructed decklists can be downloaded from here).

Online Pairings *NEW*
messenger_code_1370196603089072.pngOther than the physical check of your pairings, you are now able to check your round pairings online with a facebook messenger bot! Avoid the crowd, and get notifications of your pairings on your handphone!

In order to do that, you will need to visit this page. (You can register in advance for the service)

Or you can access it through messenger code on the right hand side.

Step 1:
Start a chat and type in your DCI number. (The bot will register your DCI number.) The chatbot will notify you of any pairings (if applicable).

Step 2:
Select the auto-notification option from the chatbot. The chatbot will send you notifications of your table number whenever you are paired.

Additional Commands: 
Name - Search for name given (There can be multiple people with similar/same name). If found, will notify you of the pairing. An auto-notification option will be prompted. You may select the option to be auto-notified whenever there are any pairings.

DCI Number - Search for DCI number given. If found, will notify you of the pairing. An auto-notification option will be prompted. You may select the option to be auto-notified whenever there are any pairings.

T(number) - Search for the pairing for the particular table number.

me - It gives you your current pairings, if you have notifications set up.

stop - Stops and removes you for any auto-notification that you have selected.

help - List available basic commands.

Things to look out for
Announcements: They contain very important information for the Players. If you are unable to hear the announcements, you are encouraged to sound out, so that you do not miss out any pieces of important information.

Communication: If you don’t understand what your opponent is doing, it’s your responsibility to ask. If you think your opponent doesn’t understand something you’re doing, tell them clearly. If both of you are not communicating clearly and the game state is unclear, the Judges will be able to assist to clarify on the game state.

Constructed decklist: Make sure that all lines written on decklist corresponds with your physical deck. It should have a minimum of 60 cards in main deck, and 15 cards in Sideboard. Please do not have any truncated card names. All writings, inclusive of name and DCI number should be able be visible and legible.

Deck: If you happen to be playing with any altered cards or foils in your deck, please kindly check with the Judges regarding the legality. If you are using any checklist cards to represent the double faced cards, make sure the checklist cards have been properly marked, and you have the corresponding amount of double-faced card. (ie, you cannot use the same 1 double faced card to represent 4 checklist cards.

Deckbox: Make sure that you only have the cards that you are playing in your deckbox. If possible, do not keep other cards in the same deckbox. If possible, bring a spare deckbox to store cards for the draft portion of the tournament.

Draft decklists: - Make sure that all cards drafted are registered under the total column of the decklist. All cards that you are playing (including basic lands) should be marked under the played column of the decklist. Your name and DCI number should be able be visible and legible.

Drafting: If you are late for the draft pod, you will be sitting out from the draft (which means that you do not get to play in the 3 rounds associated with that draft pod). Keep eyes to yourself, and follow the instructions of the draft caller and Head Judge. The draft is timed, and you only get to look at the cards you have drafted during the pack review time. It is a good habit to randomise the cards just before you pass the packs.

Results: You and your opponent are here to play games of Magic, so please do not collude, bribe or use another other methods to determine game results. If your opponent does makes any sort of offer, do call for the Judge at the earliest possible moment. Try the method: Raise 1 hand up, and keep the remaining hand on your mouth.

Shuffling: Pile shuffling is only a good way to count the number of cards in your deck, but not so good for purposes of shuffling. Please refrain from doing that more than once per game. Refrain from looking at your deck or your opponent's decks while you are shuffling. Pick up opponent's deck to shuffle when it has been presented for you to shuffle.

Sleeves/Card Protector: If possible, use a new set of dark colored uniform sleeves (packs of 80/100). If you happen to be playing any double-faced cards, make sure that the sleeves are opaque, and not visible. You can use checklist cards to represent double-faced cards.

Spectator: Avoid talking to the players who are still in their matches, or comment on ongoing matches. If you believe you have observed a rules or policy violation, you are encouraged to alert a judge as soon as possible. Spectators are permitted to ask the players to pause the match while they alert a judge.

Sustenance: The event will be a long day. Have a good breakfast, constantly hydrate yourself, keep yourself filled, as and when you are free. Bring along a jacket to wear, you will feel cold.

Things to bring: Other than the sustenance and deck items, do bring along pen and blank paper. You will be using the pen to record life totals and also register your draft decklist. With the blank paper, you can use it as scorepad, and also to use it to record or represent any information.

Unsure of card/rules interaction, or some errors in the gameplay: Raise you hand, and call for a Judge. Judges are impartial, and are here to assist players based on the game rules and policy. You can request to ask a question away from the table.

If you are interested to read up on more information regarding tournament roles, do visit the 2 part instalment of "Hmm, what's our roles..." Part 1 & Part 2.

Lastly, enjoy your Nationals experience! Share your experience with people, and give feedback to them! Read here on why we should always give feedback if possible! And if you're interested to know more about the upcoming PPTQs and RPTQ, here it is!

Alternatively, if you like to have fun, there are mind games for [XLN] & [HOU] for you to try out.

~Sign off
SGJudges(Dennis Xiao)

Monday, 2 October 2017

[XLN] Mind Games

Hello again!

How has your Draft Weekend (Release weekend) been? Did you manage to snap up a few copies of this nice shiny promo, Bishop of Rebirth!

Every new expansion, we have a mind game for you. It makes you look through all the Ixalan cards and your deck-building spirit! (Courtesy of Michael Wiese, a judge from Germany) So, let us start with that the objective of this mind game. I will try to find some random prizes for the entries!

Objective: To deal as much damage to our opponent, from the start of the game until our 4th turn. The game only ends after our 4th turn, which means that you can deal more than 20 damage to your opponent and your opponent doesn't die due to state-based effects for having 0 or less life.

  1. You are participating in Ixalan Constructed format which means that only cards from Ixalan can be used. The link to XLN cards is here.
    (No cards from the intro deck are allowed.) 
  2. The opponent is the starting player, who is playing a deck with 60 forest lands, and lays a land on his turn, without other interactions.
  3. Unlike the normal game of magic, you get to decide what your starting hand of 7 consists, and get to decide what you would draw whenever you get to draw a card.
    (Eg, You need a forest on your draw step, you draw it. Your Ruin Raider raid triggers , and choose the card that you will be putting into your hand.)
  4. Golden Rule: If your opponent has a choice, the opponent will choose whichever option that is worse for you.
  5. For ease of standardisation, your deck only contains 60 cards.
  6. Feel free to ask any questions if you are unsure.
Your email submission to us should include:
  1. Your name (if you want to be featured)
  2. Your decklist of 60 cards.
  3. Step by step of your turns.
  4. Calculation of damage. (Eg, Ans: 3: attack in turn 2, 3 and 4 for 1 damage each)
Please submit your answer through here.

You may submit more than answer.

Feel free to discuss and share this Mind Game with others, and also through other mediums, but please do not spoil the the answer to others if you know have tried this game on another forum.

The game ends on 11.59pm on 15th October 2017. The results with the maximum damage will be posted on  20th October on this post. Reader's solution with the maximum damage will also be featured here.

~Sign off
SGJudges(Dennis Xiao)


Dominaria PPTQ & RPTQ Information
With the release of Ixalan, we will soon have a new season of Preliminary Pro Tour Qualifier (PPTQ) available starting from 14 Oct 2017 to 07 Jan 2018. 
Let us take a look at the events sanctioned for the season:-

DateTournament OrganizerFormatAttendance/
15 Oct (Sun)Games HavenT242
22 Oct (Sun)Grey Ogre GamesT252
29 Oct (Sun)J CubeT232
4 Nov (Sat)Monarch AffinityT230
4 Nov (Sat)Alexandrian Legacy (in JB)SD22
5 Nov (Sun)Dueller's PointT234
11 Nov (Sat)Mag-Strength MarketingT218
12 Nov (Sun)Project EXTSD26
19 Nov (Sun)GamersaurusT210
19 Nov (Sun)Games Haven (Jurong East)T218
26 Nov (Sun)Millennium Games World - Paya Lebar BranchSD36
2 Dec (Sat)AGORA HOBBYT225
2 Dec (Sat)Card NationT216
3 Dec (Sun)The Card GeeksT220
9 Dec (Sat)Bricks PlaySD
10 Dec (Sun)Flagship GamesSD
6 Jan (Sat)MTG-Asia.comT235
6 Jan (Sat)MTG-Asia Event CentreT2No HJ

We have a total of 18 events within our proximity, 17 in Singapore and 1 in Johor Bahru, Malaysia. Of which:- 

05 Sealed Deck PPTQs 
13 Standard PPTQs 

Original details for Dominaria RPTQs can be found here

The nearest RPTQ location are at:-
RPTQ Dominaria (Sealed Deck - Top 8 Booster Draft) by Magic Century (In TH)
Location: Amarin Plaza Food Court
Entry Fee: THB 1,500 (Pre Registration: THB 1,250)
Date: 17 - 18 March 2018

RPTQ Dominaria (Sealed Deck - Top 8 Booster Draft) by Game Square/ 遊戲平方 (In TW)
Location: Game Square/ 遊戲平方Entry Fee: TBC
Date: 17 - 18 March 2018
Rivals of Ixalan RPTQ Invitation Information

Once again, congratulations to the players who have won an invite to the Regional Pro Tour Qualifiers (RPTQs) for Pro Tour Rivals of Ixalan in Bilbao, Spain. There are multiple RPTQs held all over the world on November 11-12 and 18-19. You can play in any single event that you prefer. 

For Magic Online RPTQs and invitation list, please refer to this.  

The nearest RPTQ location is at:-

RPTQ Rivals of Ixalan (Modern) by Decards Enterprise (In MY) 
Location: Level 1, The Summit USJ, Subang USJ Persiaran Kewajipan USJ 1, 47600 Subang Jaya

Date:18 - 19 November 2017

Who can I talk to if I have any further questions with regards to RPTQ in general?

You can also provide your RPTQ experience to Wizards directly and provide them with the date and date and location of the event(s) you participated in and a brief description of your experience. 

You may also contact the regional WPN representative, who may be able to provide localised support.

~Sign off
SGJudges(Dennis Xiao)