Monday, 22 January 2018

[RIX] Mind Games

Hello again!

How has your Draft Weekend been? Did you manage to snap up a few copies of this nice shiny promo, Brass's Bounty!

Every new expansion, we have a mind game for you. It makes you look through all the Rivals of Ixalan cards and your deck-building spirit! (Courtesy of Michael Wiese, a judge from Germany) So, let us start with that the objective of this mind game. I will try to find some random prizes for the entries!

Objective: To deal as much damage to our opponent, from the start of the game until our 4th turn. The game only ends after our 4th turn, which means that you can deal more than 20 damage to your opponent and your opponent doesn't die due to state-based effects for having 0 or less life.

  1. You are participating in Rivals of Ixalan Constructed format which means that only cards from Ixalan can be used. The link to RIX card set is here.
    (No cards from the intro deck are allowed.) 
  2. The opponent is the starting player, who is playing a deck with 60 forest lands, and lays a land on his turn, without other interactions.
  3. Unlike the normal game of magic, you get to decide what your starting hand of 7 consists, and get to decide what you would draw whenever you get to draw a card.
    (Eg, You need a forest on your draw step, you draw it. Your Ruin Raider raid triggers , and choose the card that you will be putting into your hand.)
  4. Golden Rule: If your opponent has a choice, the opponent will choose whichever option that is worse for you.
  5. For ease of standardisation, your deck only contains 60 cards.
  6. Feel free to ask any questions if you are unsure.
Your email submission to us should include:
  1. Your name (if you want to be featured)
  2. Your decklist of 60 cards.
  3. Step by step of your turns.
  4. Calculation of damage. (Eg, Ans: 3: attack in turn 2, 3 and 4 for 1 damage each)
Please submit your answer through here.

You may submit more than one answer.

Feel free to discuss and share this Mind Game with others, and also through other mediums, but please do not spoil the the answer to others if you know have tried this game on another forum.

The game ends on 11.59pm on 28th January 2018. The results with the maximum damage will be posted on 29th October on this post. Reader's solution with the maximum damage will also be featured here.

~Sign off
SGJudges(Dennis Xiao)