Wednesday, 5 September 2018

PPTQ winner for Pro Tour #1 of 2019 at Grey Ogre Games

“一定要跟店买卡的咧,才会拉到。。。“ (Cards must buy from the store leh, then will draw it) Ever heard of this saying? Apparently, there might be some of truth in it!  Let us hear from the PPTQ winner about his winning story.

By Lightning be purged
Name: Daniel

Age: 22

Occupation: Navy regular

Why and how did you start to play MTG: A group of friends invited me to play, but they have all stopped playing...

What attracts you to keep on playing: Mechanics of the game, way better than hearthstone as I was playing it competitively before and was part of Team Abyssus

Where do you usually play: Games Haven (Jurong) & Grey Ogre Games

Is there a community that you play together often with: Yup, the JGH group. Best place to train up for modern and I think the shop has many strong modern players.

What is your best MTG-related story, since you have started playing MTG: 3 masterpieces in 3 different day, opened not more than 10 packs each That's jackpot! KA CHING KA CHING KA CHING! The 3 masterpieces are Steel Overseer, Lotus Petal and Dark Ritual.

What do you like about our Singapore community: Generally the players are friendly, though people might get salty or pissed, but they might just be having it tough. Most of the players would communicate with you, discussing your optimal plays even though it might be competitive.

What do you think that our Singapore community needs to improve on: I would say trading wise. I know that we use overseas sites for price guidance, but I would prefer if the same person sticks to a same site for buy and sell prices, instead of cherry picking the different sites for the best prices to buy and sell...

What do you think of M19: Kinda bad, but few years down the road, some cards might spike as it not many people would be interesting in opening m19.

There are 2 PPTQs on the same day, why did you select this particular store’s PPTQ: I love modern over any other formats, didn’t know that there were another store hosting PPTQ, but most of my friends are going to GOG so why not?

What deck did you play:

Describe your SB plan, and how it works: Deck couldn’t beat bridge vines and not many players are bringing burn, so i decided to take out the walkers and put in the bridges. Deck just couldn’t beat them unless dark arts! Nowadays the meta is just about playing the unfair decks and win the game.

How long have you been playing it: 2 years now, still junior

Why did you pick up this deck: At first when I first started to make a modern deck, i was looking at a cheap and easy deck to play as I just left Hearthstone, so I am looking for a deck like face hunter. But as i started to play more, I realise that there were so many more decisions to make when playing this deck. As much as others thought that it is just as easy as 3 x 7 (7 burn spells of 3 damage), so many decisions have led me to a defeat. I had no money to make another deck so I would practice with decks that I lost after matches and understand more on the different matchups and interactions. You must be very familiar with this deck, with this much of practice! As the saying goes, "Practice makes perfect".

One card that you are most impressed with for the day: Shrine of Burning Rage. It has led me to victory. With opponents' Chalice of the Void set for 1 and 2. It is really crippling, but the Shrine has helped to deal an impressive 13 damage!!!

One card that you are least impressed with for the day: Inquisition of Kozilek. It is a hand disruption that doesn't hurt the one casting it, unlike Thoughtseize.

During the top 8 cut, which top 8 player did you not want to be paired with, and played against: I did not want to face the other burn player as my deck was not tuned to fight burn as mentioned above and the 5c humans. It would be a struggling matchup for me and I feel that the ratio is 6:4 in favor of humans.

Toughest matchup for the day: UW miracle, it was a miracle that I won him actually. I think he played too hastily.

Easiest matchup for the day: Storm, a walk in the park with Eidolon of Great Revel. Pew. Pew. Pew.

Are there any portions of the deck that you would like to change, and why: I think that Bomat Courier is flexible to be changed, but it looks like a staple too. The rest of the decks are just pretty fine.

Any tips and advice to players who are grinding for this season's PPTQ: Approach Hafiz (Best merfolk IMO) for some luck management guide. Elephants guide you.

Any positive comments for the store hosting the PPTQ: Buy cards from them and you will have insane draws! Good 40% of my cards from the deck were bought from GOG.

Any points for improvement for the store hosting the PPTQ: Where did my popeyes go? Navy, Seaman and Popeye... Wooded foothills must be the spinach! :D

Last shoutouts: Why's Danny so bad, always come to JGH and 0-2? Ragnaros' favourite quote! "DIE INSECT!" OUCH, that's such a taunt towards him! Just to clarify, this is a friendly banter, and should be treated light-heartedly. We condone no instances of bullying and its likes.