Wednesday 22 August 2018

Feature with the PPTQ winners for Pro Tour #1 of 2019 (Dueller's Point & Brick's Play)

And now... we have our feature of the PPTQ winners. Ah Jian and FBro to the rescue!

Planeswalkers ftw
Name: Joshua Yang "Ah Jian"

Age: Every year 25 年年都25岁,發啊!

Occupation: Membership Executive

How did you start to play MTG: I started during Secondary 2 where my classmate introduced me to an Alliance booster pack. I thought the art looked nice and given my weakness for “kuji” (sure-win lucky draw games), I started to buy more packs and started building decks. However, competitive gaming only started during my polytechnics days when my friend introduced me to Serene Center Ahh, yes, comics mart in Serene Centre and that macdonalds. We used to play most of the premier events like Nationals Qualifier, PTQ in Comics Mart.

What attracts you to keep on playing: Need to be number 1 in lifetime planewalkers points in SG. Ahh, you wanna be the very best, like no one ever was.

Currently second :p The gap is approximately 600 points and I believe you will be able to break through very soon.

Where do you usually play MTG: In alphabetical order: Dueller’s Point, Games Haven (Paya Lebar) and Grey Orge Games

Is there a community that you play together often with: Yes, shoutout to my fellow grinders, Lucas Wong, Chris Tiong and Yong Xin! Four Heavenly Kings -四大天王?

What do you like about our Singapore community: Singaporeans are very hardworking and competitive. We often cheer each other on despite the occasional tilts. Just like you can see that its full house for this PPTQ from their fb video

What do you think that our Singapore community needs to improve on: Need to guide the younger generation of players. My “batch” getting old liao. Hahaha Well, Experience counts -还是老的辣 

There are 2 PPTQs on the same day, why did you select this particular store’s PPTQ?  Dueller’s Point is 10 mins from my house! Oh yea~

What deck did you play:

Describe your SB plan, and how it works: No secret tech for my SB, just the usual white hate cards for the appropriate matchups (RIP for GY, Stony Silence for artifacts) and usual blue cards for turning the corners (Dispels, Negate)

How long have you been playing it: I have been playing UW control for 3 weeks.

Why did you pick up this deck: I got bored of aggressive Eldrazi decks and they can’t beat Humans (top tier deck atm), hence I swapped my Eldrazi cards to UW cards. Ka ching! Ka ching! RPTQ slot added for that choice. I also wanted to play with Jace TMS since its unbanning...

One card that you are most impressed with for the day: Vendilion Clique, MVP for trading with the nexus fliers, "cycling" extra Terminus out of hand too. It also created a counter war during my opponent's eot, then I slam down my Teferi

One card that you are least impressed with for the day: Damping Sphere, which sat in my SB the whole day.

Toughest matchup for the day: I was lucky to meet 6 aggressive decks and only 1 control deck the whole day. Toughest matchup was Infect and Shiek beat me 2 weeks ago in a win-a-box finals.

Easiest matchup for the day: Easiest matchup were affinity decks. 1 in swiss and 1 in semis. The 5 board wipes and 4 field of ruin made it easier.

Are there any portions of the deck that you would like to change, and why: I would like to experiment by changing Opt to Peek. U get information on when to land your planeswalkers or if your opponents are sandbagging any important creatures.

Any tips and advice to players who are grinding for this season's PPTQ; Stick to what you know best, just modify your sideboard accordingly to the metagame. Keep trying, don't give up. Modern is a high variance format.

Any positive comments for the store hosting the PPTQ: The event ran very smoothly. Well done!

Last shoutouts: Shout out to my team - Last Magic Event, you guys are the best! :D Most importantly, I wouldn't have been able to do it without my lovely wife's support.

Haters would say this was photo-shopped.
Name: Faizal Bin Rosmarudin (FBro)

Age: 31

Occupation: Stuffs that you wouldn't want to know

Why and how did you start to play MTG: Started in secondary school when my friend taught me during a school trip.

What attracts you to keep on playing? Competition made me kept playing.

Where do you usually play MTG: Mostly at PPTQs. Sometimes GOG on weekdays, and GH on Fridays.

Is there a community that you play together often with: Chye Hwee and Tan Chin Heng.

What do you like about our Singapore community? SG players are actually good at MTG. The high level of competition is conducive to produce players to capable of competing in the Pro Tour.

What do you think that our Singapore community needs to improve on? Innovation.

What color combination did you play during the sealed, and why? GW Blanchwood Armor – the limited Bogles Deck. It’s the most completed colour combination in my pool (got removal, bomb, decent creatures, etc).

What color combination did you play during the draft, and why? UW artifact. Gearsmith Guardian was pretty good in this format and people underrate it.

What do you think of M19? Boring with low EV. I didn’t want to draft it after my sixth draft.

During the top 8 cut, which top 8 player did you not want to be paired with, and played against? Goh Guo Wei. He’s very good at dark arts.

Any specific tips and advices to players who are playing for the sealed and the draft portion too? This format allows you to splash bombs/removals. X/1s are not very good. Most colour combi in draft works, but I don’t like UG specifically.

Any tips and advice to players who are grinding for this season's PPTQ; Don’t waste time, I’ll be winning the slot in KL. YEAH! make us proud!

Any positive comments for the store hosting the PPTQ: Thanks to Bricksplay for for holding the PPTQ. The staffs are always friendly.

Any points for improvement for the store hosting the PPTQ: Try to make the next sealed PPTQ start earlier. Or on a Sat.

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