Wednesday, 1 August 2018

Interview with PPTQ winner for Pro Tour #1 of 2019 (Gamersaurus Rex)

Congratulations for emerging as the winner of last week's modern PPTQ @ Gamersaurus Rex, amongst 52 participants, and earning yourself an invite to the RPTQ for Pro Tour Ravnica Allegiance.

Let's have a quick self introduction about yourself, before we delve into the questions.

Amulet Bloom Titan
Name: Foo Pee Chun

Age: 28

Occupation: Electronics Engineer

Date started playing MTG: 2008, JC Year 2, playing casually. It wasn’t until 2014, when a good friend of mine won the first PPTQ of the season, whom inspired me and start to play more seriously.

What deck did you play for the event: Amulet Bloom Titan

How long have you been playing it: Starting from 2015, around 2+ ~3 years (took a small break in between after Summer Bloom got banned)

Why did you pick up this deck: When I first saw how the deck played out on coverage during PT Fate Reforged by the hands of Justin Cohen, I was impressed. This good friend then suggested I pick up the deck while the tech is new, and I have never looked back since

Where do you usually play MTG: I usually play MTGO at home to practice for PPTQ or throw tix away on MTGO cube drafting

Who do you play together often: We have a whatsapp group where we mainly talk cock and sometimes discuss magic stuff like board state situation or draft picks. I also have a separate group where we play casual cube

What was your decklist: My decklist can be found

Describe your SB plan, and how it works:
Against faster decks like Burn, Affinity and Humans, I bring out slower cards like Explore and Pact of Negation, and bring in removals and either Hornet Queen or Obstinate Baloth for some defense

Against combo decks I want to maintain my combo as much as possible and bring in some disruptions like Spell Pierce and removals to deal with their key permanents

One card that you are most impressed for the day: Amulet of Vigor

One card that you are least impressed for the day: Tectonic Edge, but only because I never board it in the whole day because I never faced any Tron, which is a good thing

Toughest matchup for the day: BR Hollow One, semifinals against Malcolm Song. His deck is simply faster and more explosive

Easiest matchup for the day: 
Affinity, finals against Xavier Tang. I have a good Affinity playtest pilot (Eugene Wong) and know the matchup very well

Are there any portions of the deck that you would like to change, and why:
Depending on the metagame, I would want an additional Cavern of Souls in the sideboard for the control matchup, or more graveyard interaction against decks like Dredge and Living End

Any tips and advice to players who are grinding for this season's PPTQ;
Stop playing Blood Moon Modern is a format that rewards those who practice and know their matchup well. So practice more and tune your sideboard for weaker matchups

Last shoutouts:
Still waiting for WOTC to unban Summer Bloom. And f*&^% Blood Moon

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