Wednesday 29 August 2018

PPTQ winner for Pro Tour #1 of 2019 at Mag-Strength

An analyst during the week, and a title defender during the weekend! Our winner at Mag Strength's PPTQ, has denied other contenders from winning the Mag Strength RPTQ slot for 2 seasons!

Name: Dylan Yeo

Age: 36

Occupation: Analyst

How did you start to play MTG: Started MTG in 1995 after passing by a comics shop in Tiong Bahru and seeing a bunch of people sitting down and playing an interesting card game. Was a big fantasy fan, so the MTG genre appealed to me. Was hooked on the game and played somewhat competitively with the group at Tiong Bahru (“The Force”) for a few years. Stopped playing during the Visions set after losing to Type 1.5 deck (UW good stuff control). Being a student who put all my savings into the game, the blow was too big to handle.
Eventually, I came back to play during the Scars of Mirrodin block at MagStr, and a combination of my childhood memories and cool people at Magstr kept me in the game on and off since.

What attracts you to keep on playing: Been a fairly casual player over recent years due to family and work commitments. But always tried to spend some free time playing MTG because of all the fun friends, and my love for the game and some competition.

Where do you usually play MTG: Mag Strength, and sometimes at Grey Ogre Games and Agorahobby.

Is there a community that you play together often with: The awesome and funny Magstr community. We typically hang out together for FNM and sometimes go out for “expeditions” to other shops on weekends.

What is your best MTG-related story, since you have started playing MTG: Playing at the team RPTQ in KL and my Magstr teammates told me not to take food from people because it means bad luck. Didn’t believe in that, and ate some fries offered by Yong Xin. Guess what, we really kept losing after. The fries taste good though cause we didn’t had lunch! Sorry Wei Teng and Sebas!

What do you like about our Singapore community: The friendly and competitive spirit of Singapore players. Going to any MTG events is like catching up with a bunch of old friends, while everyone is also having a great time trying to win.

What do you think that our Singapore community needs to improve on: I think the Singapore community can be more collaborative to improve our MTG level, advance our tournament scene and create greater MTG content for current and future players. While the community is small compared to other nations, everyone seem to be passionate for the game. We have seen many initiatives recently, which I think are great (e.g., GOG’s streaming content and general effort to help new players, etc.).

There are 2 PPTQs on the same day, why did you select this particular store’s PPTQ: Because it’s at Magstr and we have an internal joke to always try to defend Magstr’s PPTQ. We had collectively been successful over the last 3 PPTQs :D

What color combination did you play during the sealed, and why: U/R splash B/W removal. 4c good stuffs! My pool had limited removals across the colors, with a bunch of complimentary dual lands. So I decided to play all the removals and live the dream or go home. and you lived the dream!
Was locked into U/R main because of [mtg_card]Demanding Dragon[/mtg_card] and other red heavy beaters, as well as [mtg_card]Windreader Sphinx[/mtg_card] with a bunch of filler flyers.

What color combination did you play during the draft, and why: U/B fillers plus [mtg_card]Tezzeret, Artifice Master[/mtg_card]. Pack 1 was depressing for my seat and I ended with [mtg_card]Graveyard Marshal[/mtg_card], 2 [mtg_card]Plague Mare[/mtg_card]s and a bunch of fillers in blue, white and green. Opened Tezzeret in pack 2 and decided to force the color, despite it looking pretty dried up. The final deck still looked pretty bad, but Tezzeret rewarded me with wins in the quarter and semi.

How do you think of M19: M19 seems more fun than the typical core sets. The smaller creatures seems to be irrelevant quickly, making aggro pretty weak, and allowing for longer games. I do love grindy limited formats (preferably with 5 color decks).

During the top 8 cut, which top 8 player did you not want to be paired with, and played against: Ken Hu, fellow defender of Magstr.

Any specific tips and advices to players who are playing for the sealed and the draft portion too: Play your sealed different from your draft. Play your best cards and removals in sealed (or a synergy deck if you are lucked out). Have a plan for draft (aggro, control, value grind, abuse a bomb), even if it means drafting weaker cards.

Any tips and advice to players who are grinding for this season's PPTQ: Try… harder.

Any positive comments for the store hosting the PPTQ: Come to Magstr for a truly unique local PPTQ experience, and fill your tummies with amazing food just next door! :D Oh come on... that's really the great draw! I always look forward to eating over at ABC Brickswork Market everytime I'm there! If you need any recommendations of what to eat! Ask the friendly players over at Mag Strength or me!

Any points for improvement for the store hosting the PPTQ: Sturdier chairs please. Oopssssss... Tell me, have you ever broke any of their chairs... Ahh, I understand, that will remain a secret between us.

Last shoutouts: Dennis for doing these interviews for the SG community. Benedict for being a great sport despite the "chao qiu" AKA "dark arts" in the finals. Do refer to the previous features on who are the Dark Arts master! Kuo Feng for graciously letting me up in the final swiss round.

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