Name: Eric Seah
Occupation: Biz Support
Date started playing MTG: I think it was during 5th Ed Era. I was playing the game casually but due to commitment, I had to disappear from the game for a period of time.
Thanks to a friend who kept asking me to rejoin the game. It was around the 2013-2014 season, where I tasted the thrills of my first GP SG and followed by GP Bangkok. Although my results were not good but this inspired me to play the game more seriously.
What deck did you play: Mardu Pyromancer
How long have you been playing it: Less than a month
Why did you pick up this deck: I feel that this deck is well balanced
Where do you usually play MTG: With my friends for practice and FNM/PPTQ tourney held by different shops
There are 2 PPTQs this weekend, why did you select this particular store’s PPTQ? Comfort level with the shop (Games Haven)
Who do you play together often: We have a chat group for Magic discussion and decks practice sessions
And of course, your decklist:
For the other top 8 decklists, please refer to the Games Haven fb page. Kudos to them for writing them out!
One card that you are most impressed with for the day: I am impressed with all the 75 cards
One card that you are least impressed with for the day: None
Toughest matchup for the day: All my opponents. They are all skilled players and to win them was a very big challenge for me.
Easiest matchup for the day: None
Any portions of your deck that you would like to change: Currently none, unless the meta changes
Any tips and advice to players who are continuing to grind in this season's PPTQ; I always advocate “practice make perfect”. Don't be disheartened by the current poor result, if you are persistent enough, you will see the Dawn from the Darkness.
Last shoutouts: A special mention to one of my opponents (Chong Teng) during this PPTQ event, for he has shown me, we need not just the skill in the game but also the character who I have my utmost respect for him and Thank You. I would also like to thank my family and friends who have supported me. You know who you are, no need for me to mention names.
Name: See Fen Fei
Age: 24
Occupation: Student
Date started playing MTG: Magic Origins pre-release 15 July 2015
What deck did you play: RG Scapeshift
How long have you been playing it: 1 week
Why did you pick up this deck: I like the multiple angles of attacks for the deck to win, via ramping and casting a Scapeshift at 7 lands or just the old fashion beat down plan with prime time (Primeval Titan) and BBE (Bloodbraid Elf).
Where do you usually play MTG: Gamersaurus Rex (Queenstown)/Flagship Games
Is there a community that you play with together: Yes I do, usually with the more experienced Grex players for competitive magic, and dino-chicken-rex [or those who are not too sure, a cafe named "dino cafe" exists below Grex, and they serve good food!] for edh and casual stuff.
There are 2 PPTQs this weekend, why did you select this particular store’s PPTQ? I forgot to pre-register for Games Haven's, and since I haven't went to Ubi/Tai Sing before, I want to explore that place.
How is your decklist like? I netdecked it online.
Describe your SB plan, and how it works: I wasn’t expecting anything to be dominant so I just went with a general list. I guess, disruptive cards vs combo decks that are faster than you (eg. storm), and sweepers against creature aggro decks.
One card that you are most impressed with for the day: Prismatic Omen. Managed to shoot Chu Heng for 12 by laying 1 Valakut with 3 other Valakut on board. #Feelsgoodman
One card that you are least impressed with for the day: Grafdigger's cage. Should have listened to Keith and play Relic of Progenitus instead. It is better, since Bridge Vine and KCI archetype are on the rise and Cage doesn't hit those.
Toughest matchup for the day: Vs Malcolm's RB Hollow One. During G2, I top decked a couple of times and the game could have went the other way if I had misplayed and had given him another turn. Almost miscalculated the damage in the end. Burning Inquiry and Goblin Lore really speeds up the game plan of their deck by a lot.
Easiest matchup for the day: Vs Malcolm's RB Hollow One. During G3, he discarded 2 hollow one on T1, due to burning inquiry.
Are there any portions of the deck that you would like to change, and why: I guess, other than the change from Cage to Relic, I would also like to try out the Naya version with Renegade Rallier or the Jund version by PETERSEN, ANDREAS from the PT25 with slaughter games in the sideboard.
Any tips and advice to players who are grinding for this season's PPTQ; I don’t think I am qualified to answer this question as I am still relative new to the modern format.
However, I noticed there are a lot of combo decks at the moment. I think a deck with disruption, together with sweepers that can deal with combo and hyper aggressive graveyard decks (eg. Hollow One/Bridge Vine) might be my direction (Jund Scapeshift by PETERSEN, ANDREAS from PT25 with sb slaughter game and 3 mb sweepers).
Any kudos for the store hosting the PPTQ: Place is big enough to host all the players and not feel very suffocative
Any suggestions for players who are intending to visit the store: The place is hard to find. It took me around 1/2 hour to get there, even though it seems very close from Tai Sing MRT on the map.
Last shoutouts: To the people at Gamersaurus Rex, thank you for helping me learn the deck in the shortest period of time. I have to admit that lady luck was on my side that day and I could have played better. Without the playtest sessions with them, I think I would have made even more mistakes. Also a shout out to Stanley for selling me most of the cards.
That's the end of the interview for the winners! Do join us next week for our weekly Wednesday feature of the PPTQ winners!
We are looking for people who are interested to generate content, and also any comments and feedback from the community of what you all are interested in!
We are looking for people who are interested to generate content, and also any comments and feedback from the community of what you all are interested in!
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